Sermon Outline

“God elects and appoints: we obey and adore”

Ephesians 2:1-10

 Doctrine for Apprehension

  1. From Genesis through Revelation scripture presents God by His grace choosing those to be His children, to be with Him now and throughout eternity.
  2. This is the theme of the first chapter of Ephesians and amplified in the second.
  3. As we see in verses 1-10, the natural human is spiritually dead, depraved, in need of re-creation, rebirth.
  4. Verses 8-10 present the foundational issue:
  5. Salvation = faith + works, or faith = salvation + works?
  6. Can the spiritually dead person, on his own, accept the gift of  salvation or faith?
  7. What is the purpose God has for you, the reason for you being His choice?

 Applying the Doctrine

  1. Do good works
  2. Glorify God for all He has done, is doing and will do
  3. Remember you have a purpose
  4. Worship, act, live with passion for Him


  1. Devotion, giving Him glory, is a work.
  2. We praise Him for his gift of faith, for our salvation.
  3. We praise Him for the meaning of our life in space & time, accomplishing the unique mission for which He created us, appointed us, before creation itself started.
  4. We praise Him for Who He is!